20051003: Compiling GEMPAK in FC4


I have built the latest GEMPAK under FC4 with g77/gcc settings
as supplied with the distribution. If your g77 program core dumps,
then it sounds like a problem with the installation.

Our FC4 32 bit environment is:

g77 -v
--->>> gcc version 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-47.fc4)

gcc -v
--->>> gcc version 4.0.1 20050727 (Red Hat 4.0.1-5)

Gfortran use is not recommended at this time according to the
gfortran man page:
       For those whose Fortran codes conform to either the Fortran 77
       standard or the GNU Fortran 77 language, we recommend to use g77
       from GCC 3.4.  We recommend that distributors continue to
       provide packages of g77-3.4 until we announce that gfortran
       fully replaces g77.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Fri, 2005-09-30 at 19:58, Christian Pagé wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am not successful in compiling GEMPAK in Fedora Core 4.
In FC4, there is gcc 4 and gfortran. gfortran breaks some GEMPAK code.
If I try to use gcc 3.2 and g77, g77 exit with a segmentation fault
(installed using yum).

Anyone had success?

Many thanks,
Christian Pagé

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