gembuds... ldmbuds... nwsbuds..
In order to introduce PFM's to my intro meteorology students, and as a
tool for friends to use in the collegiate forecasting contest, I wrote
a small parse routine to separate PFM files as they are ingested, and
write them to text files using each respective zone as a filename...
I then created point imaps for general regions of CONUS using the
centroid for each zone given in the latest NWS zone shapefile, and
overlayed that by states and counties to make it easier for people to
choose which PFM they wish to view (i.e. more than one PFM will be
available for some counties)...
you may view / use the imaps here:
to make a long story short everything seems to be working well, but
unfortunately not all zones are being processed.
according to the development status site:
it seems that all zones should be represented, but unfortunately it
appears that is not the case... for example the three counties I was
immediately interested in are Wood County (BGSU), Portage County (Kent
State) and Williams county (my home town!) ... however over the last
few days no PFM's have come through, and I notice the same for most
other states...
So the questions are... all zones NOT being processed? ... I note that
Alaska has been stated to not be operational yet, but CONUS is
supposed to be... If all zones are not being processed, are there
plans to do so? ... In looking at the gribs I could probably automate
that on one of my local servers, but that would be redundant if there
are plans to do it at the source.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!