Re: MTSAT-1R data in Garp

Kris (and gembuds);

If you edit your $GEMPAK/tables/sat/imgtyp.tbl, scroll down or search for GMS. Then, add the following after:

MTSAT                  VIS          30    220     84      1      1 GRAY
MTSAT                IR            0    255     84      2      1 GRAY
MTSAT                  IR            0    255     84      8      1 GRAY
MTSAT                  IR            0    255     84    128      1 GRAY

That should get you back on-board.

Stonie Cooper,
Planetary Data, Incorporated

On Friday 18 November 2005 20:20, Kristopher Booker wrote:

Has anyone been able to view imager data from the new JMA satellite
MTSAT-1R in Garp?  I can view it in Nmap2 just fine but when I attempt to
load it into Garp I get a blank image with just the map overlay.  I'm
thinking it has to do with not having anything for MTSAT-1R in the
imgtyp.tbl file.  I was just wondering if maybe someone has managed to get
this to work.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Kris Booker
Kristopher J. Booker
Weather Systems Administrator

Universal Weather & Aviation, Inc.
8787 Tallyho Rd.
Houston, TX 77061
desk: (713) 947-5686
mobile: (713) 504-2719

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