The solution was to change the type of nanosleep in
$GEMPAK/source/gemlib/ss/cssleep.c to an int instead
of a long (since the routine is called by a Fortran
routine using an INTEGER*4), and then cast the integer
to a long in rqtp.tv_nsec.
This update will be in the 5.9.2 release shortly.
Steve Chiswell
On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 08:27, Michael Nelson wrote:
I am having a problem with the nanosleep message scrolling, and I saw
in the archives that Steve Chiswell had fixed the problem which was
related to 64 bit.
The solution was not posted on the site. I was wondering if anyone
had the solution to the problem as I am using the programs on a 64 bit
The reference was GEMPAK #WSK-433263
Mike Nelson
Manager of Meteorology
DTE Energy Trading