Thanks. A frame like this is created each time a new tornado
warning is issued by the NWS. This particular display is formated for
the PDA Animated Weather (PAW) website ( ). The display software is written as
standard McIDAS application, allowing users to overlay the information
on any size navigated image frame. Here is a list of the applications
TORDEC -> TORnado DECoder runs as a McIDAS keyin. It "reads"
the lastest tornado warning text and decodes the information (location,
speed, direction, duration, warning counties, polygons, and cities in
the path) into a McIDAS Meteorological Dataset (MD) file. I place this
in a cronjob and run it every 2 minutes.
TORDISP -> reads the MD file using standard ADDE transaction
and plots the warnings on any navigated McIDAS image frame.
TORWARN -> monitors the Tornado MD file for new entries. It
creates the PAW display and pushes it to our web server. Depending on
the list of warning counties, the application produces EMAIL and/or SMS
messages for list of individuals interested in getting notification of
the warning.
The entire process is automated. The only time it requires
attention is when it receives a bogus warning causing the decoder to
stop, or insertion of a new individual into the TORWARN notification
queue. These programs are NOT part of the standard McIDAS core
applications set. They are included in the development package
distributed with a McIDAS release.
Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
Ooh, that looks great! How can I get my hands on that?