
The $GARPHOME/gui/mod.c routine BuildFieldList will read both the default and the model 
specific directories and merges the entries unless there is a model specific file of the 
same name as the default chapter. You could modify the "Get filtered directory 
lists" section to read the modeldir first, and only read the chapdir if the routine 
returns no FDF's- but that requires each model directory to have a copy or link to common 
functions (unlike nmap2's mod_res.tbl file where each model is listed for a function that 
it is valid for).

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

On Wed, 2007-04-18 at 15:19 -0500, Robert Mullenax wrote:

I did create fdf/scalar/mosgrid and GARP sees the new ones I created
(tstm06, pp12..etc) but when I start GARP it adds the ones in
fdf/scalar/default as choices (MSL press for example).  I know not to
choose those, but I don't want each user to have to know that.


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