Hello all,
As I have received no input from my report of problems in dcmetr, I resend
the email in case I would receive some input this time.
Christian Page
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christian Pag=E9 <page.christian@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 16 avr. 2007 23:18
Subject: dcmetr: incorrect behavior?
To: gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello all,
I have noticed that there seems to be a problem in the dcmetr decoder.
For combined precip types, incorrect intensities are reported.
By example, for this report (April 3rd, 2007):
CYRJ 031851Z 12008KT 10SM -RAPL OVC002 RMK ST8 VIS S-SW 2BR
The dcmetr decoder stores, in the WMO current weather, an incorrect
intensity for the ice pellets precip type. It reports light rain and
moderate ice pellets, instead of light rain and light ice pellets.
This also happens for triple precip types, such as -RAPLSN.
Christian Page