On Tue, 18 Mar 2008, Melick, Christopher J (UMC-Student) wrote:
Dear gembud users,
I don't want to take up all of Patrick's time. This is really for
anyone that might be able to help. I still have this feeling it might
be the LLMXTG parameter, currently set at 9 million in GEMPAK 5.11.1.
My grid size is over 17 million grid points. Could someone take a look
at my attached data file?
Yep, that's big. I tried a gdcfil with those dimensions on our system
(which I've already increased the size on) and it says:
"WARNING: This grid is too large for GEMPAK programs."
I assume that means you'll need to rebuild gempak with larger parameter
values as you suspect. When I do mine, I change the following parameters
whereever they occur in gemprm.h, MCHPRM.Linux and GEMPRM.PRM:
LLMDGG=80000000 -> 4 X LLMXGD
I set the above values to 20,000,000 thinking that will allow your
19,000,000 grid size... you might want to make it even a little bigger.
I'm not an expert at this... so if anyone sees a problem with the above,
please chime in!
Hope that helps...