Dear Unidata GEMPAK/N-AWIPS users:

At the recent meetings of the Unidata Users Committee and Policy Committee, discussions were held on how the Unidata Program Center (UPC) should proceed with support for N-AWIPS/GEMPAK and evaluation of AWIPS II (see background information below). The UPC is keenly aware that changes envisioned will have a significant impact on our community and that many of you have concerns. Be assured that we are fully committed to supporting university GEMPAK users for as long as feasible, even as we work with our users in providing a smooth and orderly migration to other long term solutions. The UPC is most interested in your thoughts on this matter and invites community input. Please send your comments, concerns, or suggestions to nawipsmigration@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. To facilitate discussion on this topic, the UPC has also set up an online forum at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=21.
After extensive discussion and careful consideration, the following 
resolutions were developed by the two committees:
*User Committee: */

The Users Committee strongly endorses Unidata’s position on future support of GEMPAK and the transition to AWIPS-II:
a.) Unidata will stand behind the latest release of GEMPAK at least 
until the point when alternative packages with the same functionality 
are available to the community.
b.) Unidata will continue to monitor and stay involved with the AWIPS-II 
efforts in NOAA/NWS, in expectation that this package will be made 
available to the University community when viable.
/*Policy Committee: */

The Unidata Policy Committee recommends that the UPC move forward on two fronts.
1) maintain support for the current GEMPAK release during the 
development of AWIPS-II, while continuing a dialogue with NWS/NCEP to 
ensure a relatively seamless transition to AWIPS-II
2) incorporate GEMPAK functionalities into IDV as informed by the user 
community. The Users Committee should survey the user community to find 
out what specific functionalities are desirable.
In addition, the Unidata Policy Committee recommends that Unidata use 
whatever influence it has to ensure that the AWIPS-II software is 
developed and made available under an open source arrangement that will 
facilitate Unidata distribution, enhancement and support of AWIPS-II for 
the Unidata community.

/Background Information /

The Unidata Program Center (UPC) makes the National Centers AWIPS package (N-AWIPS, of which GEMPAK is a primary component), currently developed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), available to the university community. The UPC provides additional features (e.g. GARP, Level II radar support, decoders for special datastreams) in the Unidata release of this software. GEMPAK/N-AWIPS is the most widely used analysis and visualization package that Unidata supports.
As some of you know, the National Weather Service (NWS) is in the 
process of developing the next generation of its AWIPS software (AWIPS 
II) to provide a comprehensive package in support of its forecasting and 
public service operations. This new software will be developed in Java, 
allowing it to run on more platforms than the current AWIPS software. 
Many of the underlying technologies in AWIPS II will be based on open 
source projects and the plan is to make AWIPS II software also open 
source. Currently, the NWS National Centers and NWS field forecast 
offices use different tools to support their mission, with the National 
Centers using N-AWIPS, and NWS forecast offices use AWIPS, which is 
fundamentally different and not compatible with N-AWIPS. The new AWIPS 
II architecture will allow the NWS to reduce development time, expand 
data access and provide better integration and collaboration between the 
NWS field offices, river forecast centers and National Centers. Raytheon 
has been selected as the primary contractor for the AWIPS II development.
NCEP has announced plans to migrate the current N-AWIPS functionality 
into the AWIPS II environment. While NCEP will work closely with 
Raytheon contractors, NCEP is charged with migrating N-AWIPS 
functionality into the AWIPS-II architecture and completing the 
deployment of this system by 2011. The following presentations provide 
an overview of the rationale and plan for this work:
N-AWIPS Evolution:

Integrating N-AWIPS into the new NWS Service Oriented Architecture:
The current NCEP plan calls for a moratorium on the development of the 
existing N-AWIPS software beginning this fall, with the last NCEP 
release of N-AWIPS in August 2008. After that, only emergency 
maintenance (bug fixes, table/map updates as necessary) will occur. The 
UPC will incorporate our local changes to that release and make it 
available as we have with past releases.
Unidata has relied heavily on and leveraged the efforts of several 
developers at NCEP to advance GEMPAK, along with local enhancements by 
UPC to meet the needs of its users. NCEP developers address data stream 
changes, add new programs and features to the N-AWIPS GUI programs, and 
provide bug fixes to the core library. As computer technology (new 
versions of OS and supporting libraries) and datastreams change, the 
moratorium on N-AWIPS development at NCEP will make it increasingly 
difficult for the UPC to maintain the GEMPAK/N-AWIPS package in the long 
There is strong interest within the NWS and NCEP to maintain a close 
working relationship with Unidata during and after the AWIPS II 
migration. The UPC is actively involved in discussions and is working 
closely with NCEP and Raytheon to ensure that the needs of the Unidata 
university community are incorporated into the AWIPS II migration 
strategy. UPC staff are participating in the monthly N-AWIPS Migration 
Teleconferences and have been invited to attend the AWIPS II 
architecture training sessions. The UPC has also been provided access to 
the pre-releases of the AWIPS II software through a non-disclosure 
agreement and is actively evaluating the software.
Unidata is aware of the benefits to the university/research community of 
keeping pace with the highly leveraged NWS display software. Therefore, 
we are carefully monitoring the development of the AWIPS II software and 
evaluating it for use by the Unidata community. A final decision on the 
deployment of and support for AWIPS II software in universities depends 
on the anticipated open-source licensing of the AWIPS II software to our 
community and on technical/resource considerations.
Meanwhile, the UPC is developing a plan to provide continued support for GEMPAK/N-AWIPS to the university community. We are moving ahead with a search to fill the currently vacant GEMPAK developer/support position. We continue to prioritize IDV development in order to migrate some of the GEMPAK functionalities into that application. A brief summary of the strengths and weaknesses of the three visualization/analysis packages in question is available at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/committees/polcom/2008spring/packagescomps.html 

Again, the UPC is most interested in your input on this matter. Please 
send your comments, concerns, or suggestions to 
nawipsmigration@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or directly contact any of the 
individuals listed below. Also, please share this message with other 
interested users in your institution that might not be subscribed to the 
gembud mailing list.

Mohan Ramamurthy, UPC Director (mohan@xxxxxxxx)
Steven Businger, Chair, Unidata Policy Committee (businger@xxxxxxxxxx)
Gary Lackmann, Chair, Unidata Users Committee (gary@xxxxxxxx)

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