Greetings, I have been having a problem plotting NEXR2RHI. The echo strength and extent in the cross-sections look nothing like the different tilts in GPNEXR2. Why would this be? Here is one level II radar file that I used and the specs for the different parameters: CXSTNS = 38.9;-94.2>40.6;-92.6 GVCORD = none PTYPE = lin YAXIS = 0/10000/500 CINT = SCALE = 0 LINE = 3 BORDER = 1 TITLE = 1 CLEAR = YES DEVICE = xw TEXT = 1 PANEL = 0 CLRBAR = 1 CONTUR = 4/2 FINT = 4/20/70 FLINE = 0;30-7 CTYPE = f RADFIL = KEAX_20080624_2258 RADPARM = dz RADTIM = 080624/2258 INTERP = yes GEMPAK-NEXR2RHI> Best Regards, Chris __________________________________ Dr. Christopher J. Melick Data Services Meteorologist Ph: 256.881.8811 Fx: 256.881.8283 <> cid:image001.jpg@01C87892.42EBFF20
Description: Binary data