Ive been trying to display some archived RUC data from the NCDC nomad
server in GARP, and whenever I select the RUC option, Garp crashes. The
data shows up fine in NSHARP, with the 00 hour data showing up as
YYMMDD/HHmm as opposed YYMMDD/HHmmFFFF. I noticed that I do not have any
F00 files in the decoded data. For instance, the 00 forecast is listed
as 070324/2100 in GDINFO instead of 070324/2100F000. I didn't think this
was a problem, but when I decoded data without the 0 hour time step,
GARP works fine. Is there something I'm forgetting when I run dcgrib2 on
the grib data, as the only option I usually pass it is setting the
current time to the day of the archived data. I'm currently using GEMPAK
Thanks for any help,
Jeremy Martin
NWS Goodland KS