I apologize for the previous reply, it was incorrect advice.
This problem appears to be an issue with how the ensemble files are specified
in $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl
In this file you will see an entry for Global Ensembles which reads
and another just below that reads
The model plan view in GARP is looking for files with names
YYYYMMDDHHfFFF_ens002.gem because of the ENS specified at the beginning of the
line, but these likely do not exist. Instead you need to specify ENS for files
with names gefs_YYYYMMDDHH_gep*, as in the second line above.
I noticed the same error as the one you originally submitted, and was able to
fix the problem by performing this edit.
Please let me know if this works or if you still are having difficulties.
Michael James
Unidata Support Staff
Why does garp have an 'ensemble' option if it cannot handle the data?
From: Unidata GEMPAK Support [support-gempak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 11:46 AM
To: Zehel, Samuel
Cc: gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [GEMPAK #WLP-693503]: Garp & Ensemble data
It looks like garp will not handle the ensemble data, so you'll probably have
to use nmap2 for those.
I'm not sure about the models displaying no available times.