Nprog menu/button items do sometimes not appear when using openmotif
2.3.2. I've always recommended users roll back to 2.3.1 if they
experience this problem.
Michael James
On 03/08/2010 08:19 PM, Kevin R. Tyle wrote:
Let me also add that although nmap2 builds correctly, its
functionality is compromised as many of the widgets do not appear.
This is the same behavior I've recently discovered with 5.11.4 on
Fedora 12. I suspect that latest versions of openmotif are no longer
fully compatible with nmap2 (this explains why CentOS/RHEL 5-based
builds of 5.11.4 still work) . . .
Any other folks see similar behavior and/or have fixes?
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator **********************
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235 518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue 518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222 **********************
On Tue, 9 Mar 2010, Kevin R. Tyle wrote:
Hi Pete,
With a bit of patience, the use of macports, and GCC/Gfortran 4.4.3,
I have indeed been able to build all of 5.11.4 and I have been able
to view gridded data with gdplot2 and display the grids with gdinfo.
Let me gather my build notes together and develop a how-to that
hopefully will work for you too. Hopefully in a few days . . .
Kevin Tyle, Systems Administrator **********************
Dept. of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences ktyle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
University at Albany, ES-235 518-442-4578 (voice)
1400 Washington Avenue 518-442-5825 (fax)
Albany, NY 12222 **********************
On Fri, 5 Mar 2010, Pete Pokrandt wrote:
Has anyone had any success building GEMPAK 5.11.4 under a 64 bit
environment in OS X 10.6?
Some background -
I was able to fairly easily build a 32 bit GEMPAK using gcc-4 and
g77 3.4.3, along with openmotif3 from a 32 bit install of fink.
However, the executable files run much slower on a brand new 64 bit
CPU iMac than even on a 2 year old linux box. This includes both
included GEMPAK executable files (gddiag was one I think) and some
code that the user wrote that links into various GEMPAK libraries
for reading/writing files.
One thing I noticed was that if I added any optimization level to
the compile of the user code, the calls to the gempak file open
routines would return with a -12 error (file not found, I think). So
maybe there is something about the lack of optimization that is
causing it to be slow?
I also considered the possibility that I'm running 32 bit code under
a 64 bit OS/CPU, so maybe that is slowing it down. I attempted a
compile using a 64 bit fink install of gcc44 and gfortran, loosely
basing several of the config files on the 64 bit linux gfortran
compile. I ran into lots of undefined routine problems, which seemed
to result from certain libraries not being included on the compile
line, mostly in the drivers section (ps, xw, gif, etc.) I was able
to manually get each of these to compile by adding the required
libraries to the compile line, and much of GEMPAK appeared to
compile and install properly, but it doesn't run right. Very strange
- any program that I run, for example, gdinfo, produces the
following output:
Usage: convcvg type ...
type = 3e3f, 3i3h, 3k3j, 3l3j, 3m3j, etc.
This output happens for any gempak program, or any of the users
programs that link to the gempak libraries. Very strange, since I'm
running gdinfo, not convcvg
Does anyone have any ideas or tips on getting GEMPAK to build
correctly using 64 bit Mac OSX and gcc/gfortran?
Pete Pokrandt - Systems Programmer
UW-Madison Dept of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
608-262-3086 - poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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