Bingo we have a winner!!!
somewhere along the line yesterday 20100607_radr.gem
become corrupt, as soon as 20100608_radr.gem started to fill in
everything started to run again...
thanks to all that replied
Dear Jeff,
In my experience with gempak, the most common reason to get segmentation
faults is when the data files are corrupted, and the most common reason
for the corruption of the data files is out of disk space in the middle
of a decoding. The second most common reason for the data file
corruption is when you have two instances of a decoder writing in the
same data file.
You will need to delete the corrupt data files....
Hope that this helps.
Jeff Lake - Admin wrote:
> Greetings...
> Anybody got any idea why out of the blue I'm getting Segmentation Fault
> on the following ???
> its agravating
> it was running, then poof....
> thanks
> _Jeff
> #!/bin/bash
> . ~/NAWIPS/Gemenviron.profile
> rm -fr ~/NAWIPS/imgcreate/radar/conusnet
> mkdir ~/NAWIPS/imgcreate/radar/conusnet
> cd ~/NAWIPS/imgcreate/radar/conusnet
> cp ~/NAWIPS/imgcreate/radar/l3net.tbl coltbl.xwp
> gdplot3 << END
> device = gif|net.gif|1000;650
> gdfile = nexr
> \$mapfil = hipowo.cia
> proj = mer
> garea = 21.652538;-127.620376;50.406626;-66.517938
> gdpfun = NET
> map = 31
> clear = y
> gdattim = LAST
> text =
> TITLE = 1
> GLEVEL = 0
> GVCORD = none
> TYPE = F
> PANEL = 0
> SKIP = 0
> SCALE = 0
> HILO =
> LATLON = 0
> CLRBAR = 1
> POSN = 0
> MARKER = 0
> GRDLBL = 0
> CONTUR = 0
> FINT =5;10;15;20;25;30;35;40;45;50;55;60;65;70
> FLINE =0;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21
> r
> e
> gpend
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