I am producing some McIDAS AREA files that I would like to use with GEMPAK, but
I am unsure of how to add entries to the image type table (imgtyp.tbl) .
I have been looking at the "arinfo" program to examine the various
characteristics of my McIDAS AREA files, but it is unclear to me how the
imgtyp.tbl file uses information shown in "arinfo" to make a match to
Is there any documentation that describes how one can add their own entries to
imgtyp.tbl, and how the information in each column of imgtyp.tbl relates to the
characteristics of an AREA formatted file?
Have any of you tried something similar, and have advice that you can offer?
Thank you for any assistance!
Andrew Molthan
NASA Short-term Prediction Research and Transition (SPoRT) Center
Marshall Space Flight Center / Earth Science Office (VP61)<>
(256) 961-7474