Install the "libXt-devel" package using yum, and that should take care
of the missing X11 include files that I see in your make.out file.
Below also appear notes specific to my build of GEMPAK 6.2 on a Fedora
14 system:
Similar to Mac OS X build, one needs to "regress" version of OpenMotif
to 2.3.1 or less. But to be sure you have the needed prerequisites when
you build openmotif from a tarball, I recommend installing the current
OpenMotif with yum, then remove it before you build 2.3.1.
In order to install openmotif from rpm, need to add a couple of
repositories from rpmfusion:
yum localinstall --nogpgcheck
You should then be able to run "yum install openmotif" and "yum install
You should also install these packages:
Then openmotif 2.3.1 build should work fine.
Then rpm -e openmotif and openmotif-devel, and move the 64-bit library
files that should go in /usr/lib64 but are in /usr/lib instead when make
install is run on openmotif-2.3.1:
cd /usr/lib; mv libXm* libUil* X11 libMrm* ../lib64
Hope this helps!
On 02/22/2011 11:59 PM, Nathan Parker wrote:
I think I'm getting there, but still having some compile issues.