Hello, all.
I'm pretty new to GEMPAK and having difficulty viewing North American
Regional Renalysis data. To date, I've used dcgrib2 to convert a NARR
.grb file to .gem, and followed step 1 for "Adding a Gridded Data Set to
NMAP" at
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/tutorial/4.3_nmap.html#4.3.5. I
edited $GEMTBL/config/datatype.tbl to add the following...
! North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) data
narr-a_221_YYYYMMDD_HH00_000.gem CAT_GRD SCAT_ANL
-1 -1 -1 OFF/0/0 4
narr-b_221_YYYYMMDD_HH00_000.gem CAT_GRD SCAT_ANL
-1 -1 -1 OFF/0/0 4
...where $MODELKLH points to a directory on a server where I'm storing
archive data.
I am having some difficulty understanding step 2, adding newly defined
grid alias to the list of models in desired restore file entries in
$GEMTBL/nmap/mod_res.tbl. The example given is...
PRECIP_1hr $NMAP_RESTORE/prcp/precip_1hr 3.precip wseta
I do not know what these four entries mean or how to find that data in
the NARR inventories like...
2:166602:D=2011062000:PRMSL:MSL:kpds=2,102,0:anl:winds in grid
direction:"Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa].
What additions will I need to make to $GEMTBL/nmap/mod_res.tbl so NMAP2
can find the NARR data?
Many thanks,
Kevin L. Huyck.