I didn't notice any errors.
I tried deleting my zero size .gem file and running dcgrib2 again and
seem to have success. Strange. It seems like the original problem was
alleviated by deleting the old file. I don't know if the data are good
yet, only that I have a non-zero size file.
Thanks for the help.
what error if any is in the dcgrib2 log file
-Jeff Lake
On 2/21/2012 7:32 PM, Kevin L. Huyck wrote:
Hi, all.
I'm attempting to convert the North American Regional Reanalysis
grib2 data to GEMPAK format. The command I'm using is "dcgrib2
[outfile].gem < [infile].grb" where I've replaced the text in square
braces with the actual file names. The program seems to run and I see
output with no errors but the .gem file is empty when the process is
finished. I have "ncepgrib131.tbl" and "wmogrib131.tbl" with the
correct values for lines 33 and 34 (uwind, vwind respectively). Both
.tbl files are located in the directory I'm issuing the command from
"/mnt/models/narr", the location of my NARR data, and in
"$NAWIPS/gempak/tables/grid". Is there a step I'm missing?
Many thanks,
Kevin Huyck.
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