[gembud] Nmap2 problem on Mac OS X 10.6.8


I recently compiled GEMPAK 6.8.0 on a mini-Mac(OS X version 10.6.8). It seemed to compile fine, but one problem I ran into regards one functionality of Nmap2. The "Restore Data Settings" button(within the Data Selection Window) doesn't work. I created a map with radar imagery and surface observations superimposed. I clicked on the "Save Data Settings" button. Later, when I tried to bring up the same setting, the program crashes. This doesn't occur with Gempak on my Linux(CentOS) machine. Another quirk I found is that Nmap2 nor the program, gpmap, will plot a vgf file(only the map background shows up). Again, it's not a problem on my Linux machine(using the same data files).

Have others noticed these problems, and is there a solution for it? The reason I'm using a Mac in this case it that it'll be a replacement for a Department display for the public. The current min-mac uses binary version of GEMPAK 5.11.1. I need to upgrade GEMPAK to be able to display gini satellite imagery(just copying the latest satellite configuration tables don't work for gini imagery). The closet space behind the display case is just large enough to accommodate a mini-mac.


James Murakami
Staff Meteorologist/Student Affairs
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Ave.
Los Angeles, CA  90095-1565

   e-mail: tenki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
telephone: 310-825-2418
      Fax: 310-206-5219

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