Re: [gembud] Error Installing gcc47 on OS X Mavericks

Hi Nathan,

I installed GEMPAK6.10 on OS X a few weeks ago, and after that upgraded to Mavericks and have noticed no issues. I won't be able to try to recreate this problem on my system for a couple of weeks since I'm away on leave until December, but perhaps other Mac users will take a look.


On 11/13/2013 08:21 PM, Nathan Parker wrote:
Hi everyone,

I’m giving the GEMPAK build a spin on a Mac running OS X Mavericks (10.9) .

When I attempt to install gcc47 per Kevin’s instructions, I’m getting the 
following error message:

--->   Building libgcc
Error: for port libgcc returned: command execution failed
Error: Failed to install libgcc
Please see the log file for port libgcc for details:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: libgcc ppl glpk zlib
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port gcc47 failed

I do have Xcode installed. It seems the version that runs on OS X Mavericks includes 
Command Line Tools with it, as it’s not giving me the option to install it when 
I visit the Downloads section under Xcode.

I do have the correct version of MacPorts installed for OS X Mavericks.

I did notice when attempting to install gcc47, it prompted me to install Java since I 
didn’t have a version of Java on my system at the time. I did recently go to and install the latest version of Java for OS X. However, the installation 
generated the error before I had a chance to install Java.

I also don’t have X11 running on this system yet. I’m guessing I probably 
should install that before going any further.

I’m attempting this build on two Macs running Mavericks, so I’ll have a good chance to 
battle test Kevin’s instructions against Mavericks and report any kinks that arise.

What do I need to do to get gcc47 successfully installed on OS X Mavericks?

Thanks a bunch!

Nathan Parker

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