Hey gembuds,
Has anyone successfully decoded the WPC winter precip probability GRIB files,
which are located here: ftp://ftp.hpc.ncep.noaa.gov/pwpf/conus/pwpf_24hr/ ?
When running them through NAGRIB2 I get the following errors:
[GB 1] No GEMPAK parameter name defined for this grid.
[GB -34] Could not convert GRIB2 message to GEMPAK grid.
The GRIB2 messages looks like this, which I realize probably doesn't convert in
a straightforward way to a GEMPAK field name:
1:0:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.0254
2:23442:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.0508
3:41685:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.1016
4:52983:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.1524
5:60796:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.2032
6:65559:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.3048
7:67086:d=2013112100:ASNOW:surface:CodeTable 4.11=missing:prob >0.4572
If there's an easy way to decode these, I'd appreciate you sending it along
(but if not, it's not a huge deal -- the WPC's web graphics for these products
are very nice.) Thanks!
Russ S. Schumacher
Assistant Professor
Department of Atmospheric Science
Colorado State University
e-mail: russ.schumacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
phone: 970.491.8084