[gembud] Synoptic Data source


I'm looking for a good source for synoptic surface data.  I've been trying
to use the files available at http://weather.admin.niu.edu/data/, but I
keep getting errors with dclsfc:

[8515] 140725/0228[LS -3]  Bad group length - reject rest of report: 521
SMMX01  MXBA    250600
[8515] 140725/0228[LS 1]  76117 06/// /1703 10273 20188 38897 40014 51021
60002 7//// 8//// 90550 333 0//// 10361 20229 30/// 4//// 50
[8515] 140725/0228[SF -10]  Station 76117 is not in file.
[8515] 140725/0228[LS -3]  Bad group length - reject rest of report: 521
SMMX01  MXBA    250600
[8515] 140725/0228[LS 1]  76161 06/// /1602 10332 20200 39875 40112 52015
60002 7//// 8//// 90550 333 0//// 10440 20303 30/// 4//// 50
[8515] 140725/0228[SF -10]  Station 76161 is not in file.

Something that is in a format that's ready to be pushed through dclsfc
would be great... or already in gempak format would be even better!

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