> One can find that themotherlode.ucar.edu/decoded/gempak/gfs/*gfs703.gem are
> also of 10000 grids and F087.
You're right, the problem still existed on motherlode. I just now updated
the GEMPAK tables on that machine to the latest, which will now write 003
grids instead of the incorrect 703*10000 grids.
> If Michael’s suggestion is implemented - forcing the model 703 to be
> written as *gfs003.gem but with 29000 grid allocation, then might that also
> be satisfied with:
007 x 077,81,96 @@@ data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs@
> @@.gem 29000
I keep this line commented out. From gribkey.tbl:
007 x 077,81,96 002 data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs@@@.gem
007 x 077,81,96 003 data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs003.gem
007 x 077,81,96 703 data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs703.gem
007 x 077,81,96 004
data/gempak/model/gfs0.5deg/YYYYMMDDHHfFFF_gfs.gem 29000
!007 x 077,81,96 @@@ data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs@@@.gem
from grdnav.tbl:
!GG01 703 CED 0 0 0 -90.000 0.000 90.000 -1.000 360 181 2.00 0