[gembud] GEMPAK 7.3.0 released

GEMPAK 7.3.0 is now available from Unidata.

Source, tables, external libraries, ascii maps, and a Linux64 binary are
available at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/downloads/gempak/index.jsp

This release can also be directly download from github at

Release Notes:

- Added GFS20 (GFS215) to tables and LDM file pqact.gempak_decoders_grid

- Added a fix for dcwarn, dcwatch, and other decoders which would write
empty files when build with gfortran 4.6+

- A new parameter G2CONV has been added to GDGRIB2 to allow bulk processing
of the GEMPAK parameters.  A table that contains multiple entries of input
parameters to convert to a grib2 file can be configured for processing.  A
typical entry in the configuration table would look like:


   Where the input parameters are defined in GEMPAK document,

- Updated volcano table to version 4.4.0.  The version can be accessed from

- Fixed problems in prob2cat that created erroneous displays of the
categorical graphics for convective output.

- Modified DCXMOS so that it is no longer use the climatology data provided
by GEMPAK baseline. The data is over 15 years old and has never been
updated. The GFS MOS reports contain an updated climatology column of data
that is sufficient for the WPC forecasters. Updated the GFS MOS station
table based on locations in an MDL table.

- Baselined three new scripts, usall, islands and water, under
$GEMPAK/utilities/tca2xml, which are run by users from command line to
produce the TCA configuration files for CAVE. The output of each script
should be redirected to the corresponding xml file names:
CoastBreakpoints.xml, IslandBreakpoints.xml, WaterBreakpoints.xml.

          usall tcabkptlz.tbl > CoastBreakpoints.xml
          islands tcabkptlz.tbl > IslandBreakpoints.xml
          water tcabkptlz.tbl > WaterBreakpoints.xml

   The resulting config files will be copied to PGEN localization folder,

- Updated warning decoder to handle the flash flood scenario that appears
more than five sections in a flash flood warning file.

- Fixed NAGRIB2 analysis grid, e.g., RTMA, GDATTIM to be set in a  format
of YYMMDD/HHHH.   Before this fix, if grib(1) is converted to grib2 and
then run nagrib2,  GDATTIM would be incorrectly set as YYMMDD/HHHHF000.

- Updated lightning decoder (ltgdecode) to handle the two new encrypted
lightning data feeds from Vaisala and Earth Network Inc (ENI) distributed
through the SFUS41 header on NOAAPORT, starting from 1630Z Nov 12, 2015
 (see TIN 15-47 from
Lightning data are written to the files in the same manner so displays are

- Fixed negative grid resolution (dx) when running GDGRIB2 in converting
GEMPAK grid to grib2.  It happened in two scenarios: (1)  rlon1 > 0 and
rlon2 = 0.0, i.e., eastern hemisphere (2) rlon1 < 0.  && rlon2 < 0. &&
rlon1 > rlon2.  Before the fix, negative grid increment would also show up.

- Updated county names, fire weather forecast zones, marine county maps,
bounds tables.

Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO
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