> I am contouring GRIB2 data (ICING) and gdplot3 is producing a scale
> ("color bar") for a filled contour which shows an unexpected value.
> The attached image scaleProblem1.PNG has a red circle around the problem.
> The highest value in the field is 56. The gradient in the color bar shows
> a white box for the range 60-70. I would expect the next grayscale value
> in FLINE.
> The parameter FINT is:
> 5/10/70
> The attachment scaleProblem2.PNG shows that the chart looks OK if I change
> 5/10/60
> However, the maximum value could be above 60.
The gradient in the color bar shows white for the range 70+, not 60-70.
60-65 and 65-70 appear colored correctly according to how you define FLINE.
The number of colors defined by FLINE should correspond to the number of
fill intervals defined in FINT. In the case of your first image, the
number of intervals displayed is one more than FLINE defines, so the colors
"wrap" and white (for values less than 10) is used once again.
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO