Unidata AWIPS 16.2.2 is now available. This version features a new set of
RPMs which are designed to *fully update* existing 16.1.5 CAVE and EDEX
To update CAVE or EDEX, simply run the "installCAVE.sh" or "installEDEX.sh"
scripts below
Relevant links
- http://unidata.github.io/awips2/
- http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/doc/install.html
- http://python-awips.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/installCAVE.sh
- http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/installEDEX.sh
16.2.2 Release Notes
- CAVE is now supported on CentOS/Red Hat 7 (x86_64), installed via the
same installCAVE.sh script as before (the script will determine CentOS
version and point to
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/doc/el7.repo for el7)
- EDEX is *not* available for CentOS/Red Hat 7 at this time.
- CAVE is now installed as two packages (awips2-cave,
awips2-cave-wrapper) rather than as individual component packages.
- GOES-R product sub-menus added to D2D Satellite menu.
- National ingest of BufrUA soundings (previous versions filtered
location to WFO localization).
- "AlertViz" has been replaced by "AlertView".
- "AWIPS CAVE" menu shortcut for Linux available in Applications >
Internet > AWIPS CAVE.
- LDM can now be started and stopped by both ‘awips’ and ‘root’ users,
solving the process ownership conflict which happened when root issued an
ldmadmin start or stop after the service was already started by user awips.
- NAWIPS-like colorized surface temperature bundle added to the Surface
Obs menu.
- Using the bundled GEMPAK binary release, the awips user cron can now
create FNEXRAD composites of DAA (one hour precip) and DTA (storm-total
precip), which are then immediately ingested (required gempak-python be
- EDEX purge scours raw data to within 1 hr, freeing more than 100 GB of
space (LDM scour would scour to within 24hrs).
- Updated NUCAPS NSHARP plugin to color sounding locations based on
quality control flag.
- Product ingest fix for nctext decoder.
- NEXRAD Display plugin for D2D with selectable stations to load level 3
site products and map bundles.
- NCEP’s Day-Night Terminator overlay resource now available to plot in
D2D perspective.
- Every WFO and 88D location now has its own map scale, WFOs selectable
in the D2D Map Scales dropdown, 88Ds selectable via "Radar > NEXRAD Display"
- Restart button added to CAVE Localization Preferences, made active
when site or localization info is updated.
CAVE 16.2.2 status:
- CentOS/RH 6 x86_64 -
- CentOS/RH 7 x86_64 -
- Mac OS X -
- Windows 64-bit - 16.2.2 STILL UNSUPPORTED, use existing 15.1 releases
from http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/awips2/doc/install.html
- You may need to remove ~/caveData (~/Library/CAVE on Mac) after
updating CAVE (if you are re-connecting to the same EDEX server your
bundles and other customizations will be re-synced).
- Support requests should be sent to support-awips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Michael James
Unidata Program Center
Boulder, CO