At some point our GARP application stopped listing NAM model grid files
correctly - other models seem fine (model plan view button). Everything in
Garp_defaults and datatype.tbl are good. The curious thing is that we have
some soft links to NAM files that are located elsewhere that are used for
case studies. GARP lists those, but does not list the actual grid files
(the real-time data) in the same directory. When I remove the links, I get
a segmentation fault (probably because it thinks the directory is empty?).
Has anyone experienced similar behavior before? Thanks!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christopher Hennon <chennon@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: NAM model data fields not recognized by GARP
To: Douglas Miller <dmiller@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: Robert Benites <benites@xxxxxxxx>
Spent about 30 minutes looking around. I don't really understand what is
happening. GARP uses the file /home/gempak/GEMPAK7/
gempak/tables/config/datatype.tbl to tell it where to look for the model
fields. It is based off of the "Model Keys", which are defined
in /home/gempak/openGARP/build/config/Garp_defaults.
First I noticed that you had some dead soft links, which caused GARP to
list a mysterious "19" in the file list. I removed the following links:
2012103000 <(201)%20210-3000>_nam212.gem -> /home/dmiller/gempak/grib/2012
103000 <(201)%20210-3000>_narra.gem
2012102912 <(201)%20210-2912>_thin.gem -> /home/dmiller/gempak/grib/2012
102912 <(201)%20210-2912>_narra.gem
2012103012 <(201)%20210-3012>_thin.gem -> /home/dmiller/gempak/grib/2012
103012 <(201)%20210-3012>_narra.gem
2012103112 <(201)%20210-3112>_thin.gem -> /home/dmiller/gempak/grib/2012
103112 <(201)%20210-3112>_narra.gem
That did not fix the main problem, however. GARP is finding and listing
all of the soft links, but none of the data files that actually reside in
that directory. But the GFS directory also has soft links but works fine.
When I removed all of the soft links from the $MODEL/nam directory, GARP
core dumped, probably because it was trying to build a list from what it
thinks is an empty directory. When I put the links back in, it listed the
soft links but none of the real-time data.
The other models I looked at seemed to be behaving normally.
So I don't know what else to try at this point. If you can figure
something out, let me know. I will be out of the office until Monday.
On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Douglas Miller <dmiller@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Chris,
> In the past I have been able to look at NAM 212 model fields
> using GARP. I tried looking at recent NAM forecasts (212 grid) and the
> latest forecasts don't show up on the GARP menu. The most recent
> *nam212.gem files ARE where they need to be in the gempak subdirectory. Do
> you have any idea about what "switch" may have been set that prevents GARP
> from displaying any of the NAM fields?
> Thank you for any ideas you might have on finding a solution to
> the problem!
> Regards,
> Doug
> Douglas K. Miller
> Professor
> Atmospheric Sciences Dept.
> UNC-Asheville
> RBH 236A, ATMS
> One University Heights
> Asheville, NC 28804
> Phone: (828) 232-5158
> FAX: (828) 232-5046
Dr. Christopher C. Hennon
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
UNC Asheville
1 University Heights
CPO #2450
Asheville, NC 28804
1.828.232.5159 <(828)%20232-5159> (phone)
1.828.232.5046 <(828)%20232-5046> (fax)
Dr. Christopher C. Hennon
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
UNC Asheville
1 University Heights
CPO #2450
Asheville, NC 28804
1.828.232.5159 (phone)
1.828.232.5046 (fax)