Re: [gembud] GEMPAK Script Question

think of it as saying to create a vector grid where urel is not null :)

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jeffrey Krob - NOAA Federal via gembud" <gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 2/11/2020 10:57:35 AM
Subject: [gembud] GEMPAK Script Question


GEMPAK 'newbie' here - came across a script which is passed to the DG_GRIDN routine as the following:
custar = 
Question; concerning the 'vecr(urel,0)' portion, I understand this is a 
call to the DV_VECR (S1, S2) routine to create a vector from 2 scalars. 
However, with the second argument being a '0', is this only returning 
the 'U' portion of the U/V wind vector or is something else going on 
Thanks in advance,
Jeff Krob
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