Hi Steve,
Thanks for your input! Yes, I have thought of doing that (swapping black
and white for example).
I just find the output of the GIF driver of much less quality than the PSC,
especially for fonts.
For example the HW font in PSC is looking much much better than in GIF.
Would there be another font I could use with the GIF driver of much better
quality than the HW one?
Regarding the number of colors, from what I understand, GEMPAK is limited
to 32 colors,
because if you look into the other color tables, such as XWP, it has the
same number of colors as the PSC driver.
On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 4:32 PM Steve Decker <sgdecker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Christian,
> I wonder if PSC is limited to the standard 32 colors. I see the same
> issue on my machine. My suggestion would be to create the GIF, and then
> use ImageMagick to convert the image to PS. If you are looking for a white
> background, it would take a bit more work to swap black and white, but that
> would be doable as well.
> Sincerely,
> Steve
> On 6/3/21 3:49 AM, Christian Pagé wrote:
> Dear all,
> With the help of Pete, I finally have identified the problem, but I do not
> know how to solve it.
> Recap:
> I had NEXRAD NIDS plotting of N0Z for years without problem (station
> KCXX). Since it has been removed, I am switching to N0Q.
> The plot is done using sfmap and a PSC device.
> With the new N0Q in place, with proper entries in imgtyp.tbl as well
> as nex2gini.tbl, it works well with the GIF driver, but it doesn not work
> properly with the PSC driver, as all echos are the same color. Here is an
> example with the same datafile as input, and the only difference here being
> the DEVICE driver (GIF vs PSC).
> Any hint on why it gives those incorrect results for the PSC driver?
> Thanks!
> Christian
> [image: unnamed-2.gif]
> [image: unnamed.gif]
> On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 2:53 PM Christian Pagé <page.christian@xxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Dear all gempak users,
>> I had to switch recently from the N0Z NEXRAD products to N0Q.
>> The plotting is done with sfmap using the RAD keyword.
>> Here is a comparison with another radar product for the same time (the
>> new N0Q is on the right-hand side).
>> There is a problem as all the values seem to be all the same... at least
>> with the same color.
>> [image: Screenshot_20210523-091127.png][image: image.png] [image:
>> Screenshot_20210523-091110.png]
>> I tried with several LUTFIL and it is always the same.
>> The pqact.conf is just:
>> NEXRAD ^SDUS[23578]. ....
>> ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])([0-6][0-9]).*/p(...)(...)
>> FILE -overwrite -close
>> data/gempak/nexrad/NIDS/\5/\4/\4_(\1:yyyy)(\1:mm)\1_\2\3
>> Any hint on what could be wrong?
>> ====
>> Another question is the LUTFIL. Previously I had this colormap with the
>> N0Z product:
>> [image: CXX_N0Z.1.gif]
>> Is there a way to generate a LUTFIL with the same colormap?
>> Thanks for your help!
>> Cheers,
>> Christian Pagé
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> Steve Decker, Associate Teaching Professor
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