[gembud] creating ERA5-based moisture maps, Part II: Composites

      Thank you to all who helped steer me in a fruitful direction with
regards to building ERA5-based GEMPAK format files!

      I'm now trying to create horizontal and vertical sections of
ERA5-based composites and am close, but yet so far, to being able to
display them. Each composite consists of seven members so, again, I use
GDDIAG to add three time periods at a time (ending with the addition of the
seventh time period) to create three sets of summed grid fields.

==> Challenge #1
     Each time I add fields across three different time periods, I get a
non-blank time in the Time2 designator (find attachment
"...twotimes2.png"). The problem/challenge happens later in the script when
I try to add the newly created fields at the end. I haven't figured out how
to properly designate the time in the script where I'm adding the sum of
the first three times (TMP3), the sum of the second three times (TMP6), and
the TMPK at the seventh time period. Manually, I can plot the isobaric
summed temperature via "garp" using "TMP3^030405/0900F000:131222/0700F000"
in the command line (attachment "...twotimes2.png"), but defining a time in
this fashion via the script gives the error message...

[DG -7]  Input grid TMP3^030405/0900F000:131222/0700F000 @1000 %PRES in ADD
cannot be found.

==> Challenge #2
     As mentioned above, I can plot the isobaric summed temperature maps
with no problem. However, when I try to manually plot vertical cross
sections via "garp," I get the GDCROSS "No levels..." error message (find
attachment "...twotimes3.png"). I have successfully plotted vertical cross
sections pointing to each of the individual ERA5 GEMPAK files, so the
problem seems to happen when I create these composite (summed) fields, even
though I can see the fields exist on their isobaric levels via the
FileBrowser utility in "garp."

     Any insights on how to generate composites would be most appreciated!


A sample block of the script...

set grido=CAUSo_era5.gem
        set gdat1 = "030405/0900F000"
        set gdat2 = "080304/2200F000"
        set gdat3 = "131222/0700F000"
        set gdat8 = "010101/0100F000"
echo "creating composite files based on ERA5"
GDATTIM = $gdat8
MAXGRD  = 400
GVCORD  = pres
GRDAREA = 24;-130;51;-65
GDOUTF  = $grido
KXKY    = 261;109
GDFILE  = 2003040509_era5.gem + 2008030422_era5.gem + 2013122207_era5.gem
GLEVEL  = 1000
GFUNC   = ADD( ADD(TMPK+1^$gdat1,TMPK+2^$gdat2), TMPK+3^$gdat3)

GFUNC   = ADD( ADD(RELH+1^$gdat1,RELH+2^$gdat2), RELH+3^$gdat3)

GFUNC   = ADD( ADD(HGHT+1^$gdat1,HGHT+2^$gdat2), HGHT+3^$gdat3)

Douglas K. Miller
Atmospheric Sciences Dept.
One University Heights
Asheville, NC 28804
Phone: (828) 232-5158
FAX: (828) 232-5046

Attachment: gempak_twotimes2.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: gempak_twotimes3.png
Description: PNG image

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