[gembud] Changing attributes in redbook graphic vgf files

I have a question. I have been perplexed in trying to figure out how to
change the colors and attributes of the 3 hourly fronts that you get in the
redbook graphics in gempak.  Right now they are all the same color and the
"pips" on the front are huge...I was wanting to make them a little smaller.
So I looked at the options in GPMAP.  There is an option called VGFILE and
it looks like you can scale the file; change the attributes and filter the
file. I think the main one I need to use is the Attribute option.
According to the gempak info listed in the VGFILE option,
"Specifying the attribute file allows VGF object attributes to be

     modified for output devices by setting their values.  Attributes such
     as color, size, thickness, etc. can be changed for particular object
     sub-types, e.g., cold fronts.  Also, sub-types can be eliminated from
     the output device by setting their major color number to -1.
I am attaching a file that follows the setting.tbl file in the
$GEMTBL/pgen directory.  I renamed this one webtable_mcd.tbl   It
appears that the fronts are listed as "Sub-Types" and it has the main
types of fronts listed. I have tried using this in my script but I am
just getting the yellow color for all the fronts.

gpmap << EOF
vgfile = $METDAT/vg/90F-SFC_FRONTS_3H/${FRONT}|scale.fax|webtable_mcd.tbl
\$mapfil = hipowo.cia
map = 0
garea = ${region}
stnplt =
proj = rad
latlon = 0
clear = no
title = 15/-3/${yy}${mm}${dd}/${hh}${MM} SFC FRONT
DEVICE = gif|${GIF_PATH}sfc_front_${region}.gif |1920;1080


Attachment: webtable_mcd.tbl
Description: Binary data

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