[IDDBrasil #URP-434806]: Comparison of CPTEC GOES-12 imagery with SSEC imagery of same time/location/band

Hi Waldenio,

> Another good news. The Operational LDM machine in the
> DSA division is working (canela.cptec.inpe.br) the
> CPTEC's GOES imagery is being ingested at this machine
> for further distribution. I would like to see the TOM's
> comments and avaliation about these imagery. You can
> request them as EXP feed on the Moingobe.
> request EXP "^g[al].*" moingobe.cptec.inpe.br

As I noted in a previous email, I setup a feed for the CPTEC images
from moingobe at the end of last week.  I have been doing some
comparisons of the CPTEC images I am receiving with those created
by McIDAS from images ingested at SSEC on one of their SDI systems.
I have put together a web page that shows comparisons of each of
the 3 bands that are being inserted into moingobe's LDM queue
and ones sent in the IDD UNIWISC datastream:



- I intend to add more comparisons to this web page as time permits.
- my conclusions are _preliminary_; they need more investigation
- if I can get access to the source code for the process that creates
  AREA files out of TeraScan TDF images, I might be able to spot where
  some tweeks need to be made


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