Prezados Colegas,
Segue abaixo o convite para submeter trabalhos para a sessão ESSI da
conferência da AGU em
Foz do Iguaçu.
Esta sessão, "Earth and Space Science Cyberinfrastructures", trata de
sistemas e ferramentas para
transmitir, processar e visualizar dados meteorológicos. É uma sessão
voltada para as soluções técnicas
e o ferramental.
Em minha experiência trabalhando nesta área, percebo que existe a
necessidade de uma maior
interação entre os diversos atores e usuários que trabalham com esse
tópico no País. Esta sessão é
uma oportunidade para estabeler uma maior interação entre os diversos
grupos e divulgar os
trabalhos de cada um dentro da comunidade que efetivamente trabalha com
o assunto.
Deixo pois a sugestão para que submetam trabalhos a esta sessão. Temos
até o dia 31 de março
para a submissão dos resumos.
Waldenio G. Almeida
Dear Colleague,
I am writing to invite you to participate in a session on "Earth and Space
Science Cyberinfrastructures: Data, Tools, Distribution, and Forecast
Systems" at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2010 Meeting of the
Americas that will be held on 08-13 August in Foz do Iguassu, Brazil.
The session, jointly convened by Dr. Glenn Rutledge (NOAA/NCDC, USA),
Dr. Luis Farfan (CICESE, Baja, Mexico), Waldenio Gambi de Almeida
(INPE/CPTEC, Brazil) and myself (Tom Yoksas, UCAR/Unidata, USA), is
intended to foster development of international research and education
collaborations focused on Earth and Space Science Informatics (ESSI)
in the Americas.
Our session is described as follows:
Earth and Space Science Cyberinfrastructures: Data, Tools,
Distribution, and Forecast Systems for International Collaboration
The impetus for this session is the building of a stronger and
broader space and Earth science cyberinfrastructure community through
international collaboration. Papers on bio-geophysical, meteorological,
ecological, remote sensing, and related intelligent and adaptive systems
that include data collection, processing, and knowledge discovery are
sought. Of particular interest will be presentations on data and tools
that foster collaborations among research and education communities,
and those that represent efforts aimed at advancing GEO-related tasks.
We strongly encourage the participation of Latin American scientific
and higher education organizations in this session specifically and
in the conference in general.
Please note:
- the deadline to submit an abstract is 31 March 2010 - 23:59 Eastern
Standard Time (EST) or 03:59+1 GMT
- all authors are required by the AGU to submit abstracts
Some relevant AGU website locations:
AGU HomePage:
2010 Meeting of the Americas HomePage:
ESSI Cyberinfrastructure session:
Online Abstract Submission Form:
Please let your colleagues know about our session in particular and
the Meeting of the Americas in general! Direct them to Glenn, Luis,
Waldenio or me if they have questions. Here is our contact information:
Glenn K. Rutledge
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
NOMADS Project Manager
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center
Asheville NC, USA 28801
Phone: (828) 271-4097
Email: Glenn.Rutledge@xxxxxxxx
Luis Farfan
Km. 107 Carretera Tijuana - Ensenada
Código Postal 22860
Apdo. Postal 2732
Ensenada, B.C. Mexico
Phone: 01 (646) 175-05-00
Email: farfan@xxxxxxxxx
Waldenio Gambi de Almeida
Rodovia Pres. Dutra, km 40
Cachoeira Paulista/SP - 12630-000
Phone: (12)3186-8541
Email: waldenio.almeida@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tom Yoksas
UCAR/Unidata Program Center
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO, USA 80307
Phone: (303) 497-8642
Email: yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We look forward to your participation in what promises to be an
exciting meeting!
Best Regards,