Hi all,
We (the IDV development team at Unidata) are currently engaged in a
major documentation
and code refactoring effort. We are planning on having this effort
completed by the next release
of the IDV which should be in mid-March.
As part of this effort we have finally taken the plunge to refactor the
central IDV class:
This class was getting too bloated and unwieldy. What we have done is
break it apart
into a collection of "Managers" that handle command line argument
user preferences, gui, etc. Hopefully, these changes will have little
or no impact on any code that you may have written against the IDV
However, there are some things that may be broken. Some of the IDV
that are defined in defaultmenu.xml have changed. So if you are using
your own custom
menu bar xml the xml will need to be changed to reflect the new calls.
We have also refactored the DisplayConventions class to have it based on
a real object,
not just a collection of static methods. The reasoning here is so that
an application
could provide its own DisplayConventions code that provides for more
than the resource xml based approach provides. So, if you have written a
custom DisplayControl
that uses these static methods you will need to change that as well.
If any of you have code that you want to test against the current
development code base
drop us a line and we can work something out with you before the release
next month.
We'd also like to hear about anything interesting you might be doing
with the IDV.
On the documentation front we are hoping to have most of the core code
base fully javadocc'ed
and to have an updated version of the developer docs.
Jeff McWhirter