IDV 1.2 beta 1 bugfix

Hold the phone, stop the presses!  Kudos to Greg Salottolo
for finding a major bug in the 1.2 beta 1 release when displaying
Level II radar data as a CAPPI or RHI.  For these displays,
you'd get an Exception, although the display would be created.
If you downloaded the InstallAnywhere installers for this release,
new installers are available through the downloads page.
You can either:

a) download the new installer and run it again


b) download idv.jar from:

and replace the existing one in the directory where you installed
IDV 1.2 beta 1.

If you are using the Web Start version of the IDV, you will
get the new idv.jar the next time you start the IDV.

If you are building the IDV from source, please download
the new idv_src_1.2b1.jar and

Note, this only applies to the IDV 1.2 beta 1 release.

Don Murray
Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307
"There's someone in my head, but it's not me"    Roger Waters

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