Re: XML configuration files

Harry --

What "options" are you trying to remove?  The fields listed under the
2D and 3D Fields pane are there because that's what's in the dataset
you have selected, if that helps.


On 5/31/06, Harry <roguewraith@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I was trying to customize IDV using the XML files to remove extra options
that aren't need for class room excersises. In particular I was trying to
remove extra options from the 2D & 3D categories in the Fields pane of the
Field Selector window. All I have been able to do up till this point is
change the Derived subcatagory under 2D & 3D. I have not been able to locate
the xml file that directly controls the options.

Tom Whittaker
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1225 W. Dayton Street
Madison, WI  53706  USA
ph: 608-262-2759

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