Re: XML configuration files

Hi Harry-

Harry wrote:
Thanks Don and Tom. To be a bit more specific about my problem if we used
the data from NCEP GFS 80KM CONUS. I want to limit the possible options
available under Fields to geopotential at isobaric levels(IL), temperture at
IL, temperture at fixed heights, and a couple of other thing like humidity
if the data allows for it. However I can't just remove the extra data from
the set because I may need to show options for derived quantities like wind
speed while not showing options like u component or v component at a fixed
height above ground..

Even going the NcML option, it would still show the parameters
needed for the derived quantities (e.g., u and v) in the list.
Since parameter names can change from dataset to dataset, there's
no global way to do this effectively.


Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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