IDV 2.0RC3 available for download


We are working on the next IDV release (2.0) due out at the beginning of
August.  In preparation for that we have put out a pre-release
candidate on our downloads site. This release contains numerous new features and updates, several of them resulting from user input. One significant difference is the "dashboard" that has been created to alleviate the problem of the IDV opening numerous popups. The dashboard is a dock for the Data Chooser, Field Selector, and the Display Control windows and also provides quick access to users' favorite bundles, history menus, and saved data sources.

If any of you want to give this version a whirl, you can
access it through the IDV downloads page at:

Please send any problems/questions to support-idv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Also, please note that the User's Guide is not up to date for
this release.  We will be working on that over the next
couple of weeks in time for the final 2.0 release.

Don Murray

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