Announcing Unidata's 2006 Training Workshop


There will be two IDV training sessions (both covering the
same material) as part of the workshops announced below.
These will be geared toward using the IDV.  We expect to have
a developers' workshop as part of next year's training
workshops.  The IDV session dates are:

October 19 - 21         IDV A
November 6 - 8          IDV B

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Announcing Unidata's 2006 Training Workshop

Unidata Program Center Announcement:

The Unidata Program Center is pleased to announce its 2006 Software
Training Workshop.  The workshop features old favorites such as McIDAS,
GEMPAK, and LDM; our newest visualization package, the IDV; and three
sessions newly developed for the 2006 workshop---netCDF for Developers,
netCDF Java, and THREDDS Data Server Administration.

2006 Training Workshop for Unidata Software
Dates:  The workshop runs from October 19 -- November 12, 2006.  You may
select individual sessions within that time frame.
Location and Facilities:  The workshop will be held at the Unidata
Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.
Registration:  The cost to attend the workshop is $50 per session.
Registration opens July 10th.

For more details on the workshop or to register, please visit our web page:

We look forward to seeing you this fall in Boulder!

Don Murray

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