bundle format changed?

I have a idv-based jnlp-distributed app which includes

-bundle http://localhost/app/bundle.xidv

as an application argument. The codebase is http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/idv/webstart, i.e. I am not hosting the IDV app itself, just the jnlp file and the bundle.

My app has stopped working. Now the splash screen is just grey, the Java console says nothing.

I see that IDV has been updated to 2.0. I think that my bundle file, created by saving a bundle out in 1.3b2, is now incompatible with the code. I guess I have one of two options:

1.  create a new .xidv bundle using 2.0

2. host the IDV app myself, so I can guarantee that the codebase and the bundle .xidv file are always compatible. Then I miss out on the latest idv features (the dashboard is WAY cool!)

Comment welcomed


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