[Fwd: Reminder: Unidata's 2006 Training Workshop]

There are still some slots open for the IDV training workhop,
November 6-8, 2006.  Due to lack of demand, the IDV A session was
cancelled and new netCDF for Java and THREDDS Data Server
workshops have been scheduled.

See the link below for more details.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Reminder:  Unidata's 2006 Training Workshop
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 16:02:58 -0600
From: Emily Doremire <doremire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: doremire@xxxxxxxx
Organization: UCAR Unidata
To: allcommunity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unidata Program Center Announcement:

Space is still available in the 2006 Training Workshop for Unidata
Software.  The workshop features old favorites such as McIDAS, GEMPAK,
and LDM; our newest visualization package, the IDV; and three sessions
newly developed for the 2006---netCDF for Developers, netCDF Java, and
THREDDS Data Server Administration.

Dates:  The workshop runs from October 23 -- November 12, 2006.  You may
select individual sessions within that time frame.
Location and Facilities:  The workshop will be held at the Unidata
Program Center in Boulder, Colorado.
Registration:  The cost to attend the workshop is $50 per session.

For more details on the workshop or to register, please visit our web page:

We look forward to seeing you this fall in Boulder!

Emily Doremire
UCAR Unidata

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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