Viewing multiple, time-dependent netCDF files

Hi, I'm pretty new to IDV and am just exploring the
capabilities.  I've loved the idea that I can take my WRF
output files (netCDF or GRIB) and rapidly view the different
fields.  What I'm looking for - and I've found no indication that
this is possible - is to open multiple WRF output files (one per
timestep) and sequence through them - here's an example:

My current WRF output is set up to come out in netCDF files
at 3-hour intervals - one file for every three forecast hours (this
is necessary so that I can produce GRIB data for NWS AWIPS
in a real-time manner).  What I'd "like" to be able to do, after
the WRF run is completed, is to start up IDV, open all of the
WRF output files as input, then sequence in time through a
specified field (e.g. 500mb heights) with a common perspective.

If I had all of my output data in a single file, this would be a
no-brainer, but I don't see an intuitive way to do this with IDV,
unless I'm willing to concatenate all my files into a single one,
then run IDV.  I'm guessing that's what I'm going to have to do,
but if I've missed something and there's a better way, I'd sure
appreciate hearing about it.


Don Morton
Don Morton
Department of Computer Science
The University of Montana - Missoula

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