
Dear idvusers,

i'm looking for a utility developed by Unidata in the days of Ynot: pgmtonc

This utility takes an image in the Portable Gray Map intermediate format and 
writes it to a netCDF file. I would like to convert a shallow waterdepth 
product from SeaWIFS into a netCDF file to be able to display and use it in 
the IDV.

coral reefs shallow waterdepths from SeaWIFS:



Pbmplus utilities you can get them via anonymous ftp from 
in the file pub/pbmplus.tar.Z. This compressed tar file contains all of the 
Pbmplus utilities, including pgmtonc. Or, you can FTP it from the contrib 
directory in the Ynot distribution account (this will only work if you are a 
licensed Ynot user). The file name is pgmtonc.tar.Z. To build the Pbmplus 
utilities, you will need the various Pbmplus libraries included in the tar 
as well as the netCDF library.

Unfortunately, it's no longer on the server. Any ideas/other solutions?

Kind regards, 
V. Venus, M.Sc. 
Researcher/Lecturer in RS/GIS for Food Security 
P.O.Box 6
7500 AA Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-53-4874549

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