Problems opening 3D data with eta-levels

I'm trying to open 3D+t data with the following dimension:

        float i(i) ;
                i:coord_axis = "x" ;
                i:long_name = "EMEP grid x coordinate" ;
                i:units = "km" ;
        float j(j) ;
                j:coord_axis = "y" ;
                j:long_name = "EMEP grid y coordinate" ;
                j:units = "km" ;
        float k(k) ;
                k:coord_alias = "level" ;
                k:long_name = "vertical eta coordinates" ;
                k:units = "eta_level" ;
                k:positive = "down" ;
        int time(time) ;
                time:long_name = "time at middle of period" ;
                time:units = "seconds since 1970-1-1 00:00:00.0 +00:00" ;

When trying to open this data, I get a error:
ControlDescriptor.Creating display
Real: Unit "null" must be convertable with Type default Unit "m"

I would like to see the different levels, either by entering the forumular to calculate the actual height via the pressure, or by just numbering the levels from 1-20. What would be the best way?

Best regards,


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