Re: two mailing lists??

Hi Stuart-

Stuart Maclean wrote:
I note that there exists both 'idv support' and an 'idv users' mailing lists. Why the dual existence? From the archives, it appears that user questions appear on both.

A good question.

"idvusers" is a list for all IDV users. The intended topics of discussion are any matters pertaining to use of the IDV reference application, downloading and running the IDV, data sources and formats for use in the IDV, and sharing of IDV based materials (bundles, educational materials, etc). This list is used by the Unidata Program Center to announce new releases of the IDV. You must be subscribed
to the list to post to it.  Think of it as a community based support
system.  Unidata supports similar lists for all its other packages
(ldm-users, gembud, mcidas-x, netcdf-java, netcdfgroup, etc)

"support-idv" goes directly to Unidata IDV user support where one of
our expertly trained staff will assist you. ;-)  It's a place
to report bugs and get help on installing and using the IDV if you
don't want to post idvusers.  When you fill out the support request
form in the IDV, it is sent to this mailbox as well.  Ideally,
people will only use this list after they have checked the FAQ,
Known Problems and the support-idv and idvusers archives.

There is also an "idvdevelopers" list which is a discussion email list for IDV developers who are using IDV source code to build customized or new IDV-based applications.

For more info on these lists and who may use them, see the
section in the IDV User's Guide on IDV support:

In the near future, we will be setting up a web based forum where
the IDV community can share resources (bundles, plugins) and ideas.
It would be a logical extension to the idvusers list.


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