I'm having a 4d field with i,j,k,time in CF1.0 convention. k is the
sigma layer defined by:
float k(k) ;
k:coord_alias = "level" ;
k:long_name = "sigma at layer midpoints" ;
k:units = "" ;
k:positive = "down" ;
k:standard_name = "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate" ;
k:formula_terms = "sigma: k ps: D2_PS ptop: ptop" ;
When I use units = "m", I can get a vertical cross-section against the
values of the sigma-levels named 'Altitude'. I would like to get a
vertical cross section against pressure in hPa as defined by the formula
p(t,k,j,i) = ptop + sigma(k)*(ps(t,j,i)-ptop), but haven't been able
to get it.
Since we haven't used vertical profiles with CF1.0 convention, it might
be possible that we have errors in our file. I put the test file on our
Best regards,
Dr. Heiko Klein Tel. + 47 22 96 33 44
Air pollution Section/Research Department Fax. + 47 22 69 63 55
Norwegian Meteorological Institute http://www.met.no
P.O. Box 43 Blindern 0313 Oslo NORWAY http://www.emep.int