Re: Plotting 3D isobaric surfaces

One thing I left out of the previous message is that you
will need to manually scale the vertical scale in the
display if you want to see the full effect of the topography.
You can do this using the little scale (comb) icon in the Viewpoint
Toolbar on the left of the Display or through the View->Properties
editor under the Vertical Scale tab.

In some future release, we'll have the option to autoscale the
vertical to the data.


Don Murray wrote:
Hi All-

Nothing like a discussion on a public email list to get
the creative juices flowing.

Last night, I took a stab at rolling the functionality
that Dave requested into the core IDV.  For the daring,
you can download and install the nightly build from:

For 3D grids, you can now select a field on isobaric
surfaces (e.g. temperature) and select one of the
3D Surface->* over topography displays.  When you are
prompted for the topography field, select the 3D
geopotential height field. (you can also do this
with streamlines if you select a flow vector derived field).

This new feature allows you to select different levels
instead of having to rerun the formula that Tom described
yesterday.  At present, you can't select the level before
creating the display, but I'll see if I can get that
into the next release.  You also need to select a field
and topography that are on the same grid.

A bonus feature that fell out of this coding is that you
can now position 2D fields and any level within the box.
This has been on the TODO list for a while.

Feedback on this would be appreciated.

One sticky note down, 1100 to go. ;-)

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

Don Murray                               UCAR Unidata Program
dmurray@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                        P.O. Box 3000
(303) 497-8628                              Boulder, CO 80307

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