IDV: Vertical cross section of flow vectors

IDV users,

I wanted to plot a vertical cross section of streamlines, but that capability doesn't seem to be present in the IDV v2.0, unless I'm missing something. Could this be another programming project for IDV users comfortable with Jython? (I'm not there yet.)

As an alternative, I figured out how to use the existing system formula "Make flow vectors from u, v, and w data" to plot a vertical cross section of flow vectors. The formula requires u, v, and w fields as input. However, the NAM and GFS model output files contain pressure vertical velocity (omega) fields rather than w fields. Does this mean that the formula will get the sign of the vertical component reversed? (It certainly doesn't seem capable of converting omega fields to w fields, given that that would seem to require the geopotential height field at multiple times and the temperature field, but if it got the sign right then there'd still be useful qualitative info in the vector computed from omega and horizontal velocity.)

I'm not an object-oriented programmer so I got lost trying to trace the code that renders the 3-D flow vectors to see how it treats the sign of the vertical velocity. The formula invokes the class, which invokes the createFlowVectors method, which invokes the visad class FieldImpl, which invokes ....

Can anyone comment on what the "Make flow vectors from u, v, and w data" formula does with u, v, and omega fields?

-- Dave
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