_From William.Fingerhut@xxxxxxxxxxx Fri Dec 8 08:44:15 2006
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Thread-Topic: ageostrophic component from operational (u,v) fwind ields
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I have a cludgy jython method that computes geostrophic wind,
which one could easily modify or 'use' to compute the ageostrophic wind.
To use it, I first select a dataset (model data);=20
then use a formula: geoWind(height_grid)
which uses the jython method:
# geostrophic wind
def geoWind(h):
from ucar.unidata.data.grid.DerivedGridFactory import *
return DerivedGridFactory.createTrueWindVectors(ug,vg)
The constant 100 includes the correct constant for the geostrophic wind,
a constant latitude, and a scaling factor. The constants, 0 and 1, allow
to use the existing code to calculate each partial derivative of height.
If anyone has another method, I would like to hear about it.
< Bill Fingerhut, Professor PHONE: 802-626-6257 >
< Meteorology Dept FAX: 802-626-9770 >
< Lyndon State College >
< Lyndonville, Vt 05851 >
< >
< EMAIL: william.fingerhut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
< bfingerhut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >
< WWW: http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/ <http://apollo.lsc.vsc.edu/>
< >
< disclaimer: I know nothing - I only work here. >
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:owner-idvusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> ] On Behalf Of HansPeter Roesli
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 4:31 PM
> To: IDV Users' Mailing List
> Subject: ageostrophic component from operational (u,v) fwind ields
> Hi all
> I would like to draw flow fields of the ageostrophic component of
> numerical (u,v) wind fields. Anybody out there who has already
> implemented this in some way. I would be very grateful in
> receiving some
> information.
> HansPeter Roesli
> consultant to EUMETSAT in satellite meteorology