I have recently developed a hurricane database of satellite observations
(http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/rsad/b1utc/b1utc.html). These have been
calibrated for homogeneity in time and are stored in netCDF using the CF
convention. However, most analysts want the data in a form which McIDAS
can read because from there, they can produce Objective Dvorak Technique
(ODT) estimates of tropical cyclone intensity.
Does anyone plan to develop an ODT technique for IDV?
Does anyone have any suggestions aside from completely re-formatting the
data to McIDAS?
[Note: Evidently, McIDAS can read netCDF files, but assumes they are
grids and the McIDAS AODT algorithm doesn't work on grids, but on
images. Hence, completely reformatting the data seems to be the only option]
[Also: This question is also being posed to the MUG (McIDAS Users Group)]
Ken Knapp, Ph.D. Ken.Knapp@xxxxxxxx
Remote Sensing and Applications Division
National Climatic Data Center
151 Patton Ave
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
828-271-4339 (voice) 828-271-4328 (fax)